

Lets go imperial palace!

The best-known and most popular inaugural videos of the 2016 federal presidential election

"Beautiful, rich and corrupt." IfaK candidate Anna Hochreiter applies for the 2016 presidential election.

We barely missed the 6,000 signatures required by law to compete officially. But hey, Anna Hochreiter had the most popular inaugural video (likes/dislikes) of all candidates!

Thank you for the great support!

Our presidential campaign (in German)

Internship at the Ministry of the Interior

There is hardly a public body in our field that offers such excellent training opportunities as the Ministry of the Interior.

Here once worked secret agent hunter Ernst Strasser, who was awarded the Great Golden Medal on the ribbon for services to the Republic of Austria. Do you need information about the best possible care of the executive with a tap-proof digital radio system called Tetron? Want to avoid expensive tendering procedures? Here you will find advice.

You can reach the in-house experts of the registration office for corruption and official offenses under the phone number: 0043-1-53126-6800

Paul applied for an internship at the Ministry of the Interior. (learn from the best)

Here you find current job offers:

Small donation for our website?

As a newly founded institute we did not have any income yet. And yet we needed a website. So we asked the Federation of Industrialists, widely known for their cross-party generosity, to help us out a little. Just the way they supported the website of our most beautiful Finance Minister of all time.

Letter to the Federation of Industrialists (in German)